Онлайн-курс з Філіпом Сотниченко «МОЯ РЕЖИСУРА»

На курсі ми розберемо, звідки брати ідеї і як з ними працювати, як описати сценарій і зібрати команду для зйомок. Як працювати з акторами. Процес монтажу та супроводження фільму. 
Перша ціна - оплата до 20.02. Стандартна ціна - оплата до 1.03.
Початок курсу 4.03.


Режисер, сценарист, продюсер і режисер монтажу, співзасновник Сучасне Українське Кіно.
Короткометражні фільми: "Тризна", "Обійми", "Син", "Цвях", "Технічна Перерва", "Різдвяні історії"
Повнометражний дебют: "Ля Палісіада"
Режисер монтажу: "Зарваниця" (режисери Ярема Малащук і Роман Хімей)
Співсценарист: "Медовий місяць" (режисерка Жанна Озірна)

  • Trainee program for young talents with big ambitions

  • Artboard 22

    Relocation and full support for experts from cities

  • 100+ experts who work in different industry fields

Розклад курсу

Якщо ти дуже хочеш потрапити на якусь лекцію, а вона перетинається з твоїми особистими справами, ми обов'язково зробимо запис і надішлемо тобі. Курс відбуватиметься онлайн,тож неважливо в якому місті чи країні ти знаходишся. 

  • 04.03. 18:00 Leadership skills for business owners

    Andriy Bas is the co-founder and Team Lead in UPTech – a company developing mobile and web applications. He’s been in the tech industry for over 6 years. Andriy is a partner in Teal UA - an organization which promotes the foundation of turquoise organizations in Ukraine. He is a supporter of self-organizing teams. Andriy believes that the strong corporate culture can guarantee the long-term success of any organization. The UPTech is known for its radical openness and self-organization In the company, everyone can make an important decision (including the calculation of own salary).

  • 07.03. 18:00 How to find new markets for your products

    Andriy Bas is the co-founder and Team Lead in UPTech – a company developing mobile and web applications. He’s been in the tech industry for over 6 years. Andriy is a partner in Teal UA - an organization which promotes the foundation of turquoise organizations in Ukraine. He is a supporter of self-organizing teams. Andriy believes that the strong corporate culture can guarantee the long-term success of any organization. The UPTech is known for its radical openness and self-organization In the company, everyone can make an important decision (including the calculation of own salary).

  • 11.03. 18:00 How to build relationships with clients

    Andriy Bas is the co-founder and Team Lead in UPTech – a company developing mobile and web applications. He’s been in the tech industry for over 6 years. Andriy is a partner in Teal UA - an organization which promotes the foundation of turquoise organizations in Ukraine. He is a supporter of self-organizing teams. Andriy believes that the strong corporate culture can guarantee the long-term success of any organization. The UPTech is known for its radical openness and self-organization In the company, everyone can make an important decision (including the calculation of own salary).

  • 14.03. 18:00 How to build relationships with clients

    Andriy Bas is the co-founder and Team Lead in UPTech – a company developing mobile and web applications. He’s been in the tech industry for over 6 years. Andriy is a partner in Teal UA - an organization which promotes the foundation of turquoise organizations in Ukraine. He is a supporter of self-organizing teams. Andriy believes that the strong corporate culture can guarantee the long-term success of any organization. The UPTech is known for its radical openness and self-organization In the company, everyone can make an important decision (including the calculation of own salary).

  • 18.03. 18:00 How to build relationships with clients

    Andriy Bas is the co-founder and Team Lead in UPTech – a company developing mobile and web applications. He’s been in the tech industry for over 6 years. Andriy is a partner in Teal UA - an organization which promotes the foundation of turquoise organizations in Ukraine. He is a supporter of self-organizing teams. Andriy believes that the strong corporate culture can guarantee the long-term success of any organization. The UPTech is known for its radical openness and self-organization In the company, everyone can make an important decision (including the calculation of own salary).

Ціна(для ранніх пташок)Діє до 20.02.2024

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1000 грн.

Весь курс (5 лекцій)

5000 грн.

Цінаоплата до 1.03.2024

Ти можеш обрати одну лекцію з п'яти, а можеш придбати весь курс.

Одна лекція

1500 грн.

Весь курс (5 лекцій)

7500 грн.

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